Sunday, May 20, 2012

Yes, I Am a Nerd

So it's not exactly the most flattering picture of me but it is a picture! This is me with my fancy-schmanc eclipse glasses on. So I could look at the eclipse with out hurting my eyes. It was so cool!! And if there was ever any doubt that I am not a nerd, I hope all doubt has been eradicated.
    So I know it seems like I just sort of dropped off of the face of the planet. Sorry about that. I had homework and I was tired. I had a pretty fun weekend.
     The most amazing thing happened. I had family here! Amanda and Robby drove up for Jeff and Melissa's wedding. They were nice enough to stop by Friday night. (Also, I had an intermural soccer game. Our team tied. It was fun.)
    On Saturday, Robby and Amanda picked me up in the morning and took me to one of the most wonderful places on Earth: Kneader's for breakfast. I was happy. Then they took me to Macey's and too me grocery shopping. We drove back to my apartment, put my groceries away, then they dropped me off ner campus, said goodbye and left.
I went to be a volunteer for this big chemistry fair type thing called "Open Chem Lab." It was fun. I got a free t-shirt. I was in a lab helping middle school students learn how to make hydrogen oxygen rockets. Very fun. Afterwards, I helped hand out liquid nitrogen ice cream, got some for myself and they had pizza for the volunteers. When I was done there, I went to the Eyring Science Center, where they were having Astrofest and I got my lovely glasses. Then I went to the Richards Building and practiced the ChaCha with people from my dance class. Our test is tomorrow, Monday. Then I went home and slept. I woke up and worked on a prelab quiz for my Chemistry class, chatted with my mommy, who is apparently in Florida right now. I walked to the temple. It wasn't open, but I still liked being able to go there. There was a dance party at a place near me. I went for a little bit, had fun, then came home and watched TV on my computer.
    Today, I had church. The bishop gave the lovely mandatory chastity talk. I made gluten-free peanut butter cookies for one of my roommates. I had fun watching the solar eclipse. It was really cool. Hopefully you will hear more from me soon!


Joan said...

Nerds rule.

Jennifer said...

You sure manage to find some interesting things to do. The solar eclipse photos were beautiful.

Barbara Irwin said...

All your activities sound fun! It sounds like you are doing well at taking advantage of interesting oppportunities where you live.
Way to go, Abby!